
There is just something about hanging out with people who are passionate that is so invigorating. Being near people with great passions is like tapping in to a field of energy, a field of excitement and aliveness and joy and it is impossible to walk away from it without having your state altered. It hardly matters what the passions are about – model train sets, yoga, chocolate mousse or African Sulcata tortoises, it is the passion itself, the aliveness it brings, that is so fascinating and energising.


This weekend we went to a Jousting Festival full of people bursting with passion. And even though dressing up in medieval costumes, telling gory stories of punishments for nagging wives and how much use you can get out of your undergarments by turning them first inside out, then back to front, will never become a passion of mine, I just completely adored the participants. Their passion was so real, completely from their hearts and they were so happy to share and it was inspiring and contagious and it makes me think that everybody should seek to find something in their lives they could be equally passionate about.IMG_1908


I am so grateful that those brilliant people at the Jousting Festival, with all their positive energy, reminded me that I got to pursue my passions as well as seek and be with  people with true passion. I tell you, it is seriously good for the soul. Seriously.

What are your passions? Who do you know that are truly passionate? What does being with them do to your state?

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